Learn About Coding Projects For Children Taught In Online Courses

Coding Project for Children
Coding Project for Children | Image Resource : geeksforgeeks.org

Children can be taught to code and there are online coding courses designed for them. The children learn the basics of coding, maths and logic in the courses. The courses are made easy so that the kids can learn easily and are customized as per age. There are coding courses for kids from 6 to 18 years of age.

The curriculum of the courses is project-based and the kids are taught coding using simple projects. At the end of the courses, the children have to do an independent project. The coding projects done in the courses can be uploaded and the kids can check for the number of likes.

The online courses are taught through next-generation online classrooms by expert teachers. The kids can easily interact with the teacher and the other children in the online classroom. The 1: 1 learning method is offered by the courses too.

Details of the projects
The children aged 6 - 9 are taught a visual block-based coding language, Scratch. The coding project for children are drawing and animating sprites, creating a dialogue between two characters, creating stories with interactions, coding musical notes, musical art, building games and more.

The children aged 10 - 18 are taught text-based coding languages like JavaScript, Python, HTML and CSS. The kids learn to build projects like augmented reality dinosaurs with animation, Android UI, chatbots, virtual reality solar system, virtual reality city, machine learning model for text classifier, single-page and multi-page sites, building 3D games and more.

Why should the children learn through coding projects?
The children learn by doing in the courses and for this, they are taught to code for every example and project. The more the children practice coding skills the more they will be able to perfect them. The children are taught using examples in storytelling, animation, art, music, game building and maths problem-solving. This makes learning fun and effective and keeps the children interested in the subject.

When children build something they become more confident and when they build their own projects they use their creativity. The coding projects for children help them to think and use logic to solve problems.