Choosing the Best trading app

Best trading app
Best trading app | Image Resource:

Trading apps are software programs that are designed to allow you to trade online in the share market. The trading apps help you to buy or sell shares online in just a few clicks. Investors can use the apps to trade efficiently.

Most trading apps use intelligent software to provide you with tips and recommendations based on your portfolio. The app offers premium news, the latest information and research reports to help to make good trading decisions. 

But before you select an app you should know what features to look for in an app.

Features of trading apps

The apps should act as tools that help you to do intraday trade or any other trade online. The app should have good speed so that it does not hamper its performance. Slow-working apps that slow you down are not a good choice.

The app should allow you to execute complicated trades easily by providing a simple interface. The app should be user-friendly and you should be able to navigate easily through it. If the interface of the app is not simple then you may lose out on trading opportunities.

The app should allow for customisation which means that you should be able to customise the app in whichever way you want to. The app should allow you to analyse the charts as per your needs. 

You will need access to market data if you are trading online using a Demat account. Access to market data can make or break your trading strategy. The app should provide market data like market volumes, prices, ask/bid quotes and more.

The app should provide a feature for alerts and notifications. You will not be able to monitor the trends in the market if this feature is not offered. Notifications and alerts help you to keep an eye on what is happening in the share market.

Additional features
A few additional features to look for while choosing the best trading app are as follows:

  • The app should provide standing instructions to avoid losses during the trading cycle.
  • The app must provide an adjustable trading margin.
  • The app should provide a financial newswire interface to keep track of the happenings in the market.
  • The app should also provide risk management tools.
  • The app should provide charting tools which help to extrapolate different types of trends based on market data. This helps to predict the movements in the market in similar situations.